Monday, September 10, 2012

Product Details

New book on immigration PUBLISHED!

  Sign of the Crossing, by John Cavanaugh-O'Keefe, cover by JeanPaul Badjo. 

I completed a book on immigration.  It's available on Kindle ($3), or Amazon ($6).  I don't think that any any honest person can read the book and still argue that the Bible is neutral on immigration, or that the forceful demand in Scripture -- from Genesis to the last prophets, on through the Gospels to Acts -- applies only to "legal immigrants."  The argument only matters for about 3% of voters, but I think the argument is over.

The work on campuses remains.  I am still looking for people whose religious views and political views collide -- people who consider themselves to be serious about Scripture, but who are currently planning to vote against hospitality for immigrants (or, "for better enforcement of restrictions against ...").  Peruse the blog, check the website (, or get the book.

Back on track ...

I got knocked out of the fight for a few weeks.  A wonderful surgeon with a delightful sense of humor removed a few stray scraps of drying and worthless disk from my spine.  When I woke up, I thought my leg was going to float away, it felt so light.  That was a good day's work, ending some pain and recovering the use of some thigh muscles.  In a few days, I guess, I'll be mobile.