Text of the Maryland Dream Act
Senate Bill 167Supporters of the MD Dream Act
CASA de Maryland
http://www.casademaryland.org/Maryland Catholic Conference
http://www.mdcathcon.org/The links from the Maryland Catholic Conference include, especially:
Undocumented Migrants (Pope John Paul II)
Washington Post
http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/keeping-marylands-dream-alive/2012/05/05/gIQAg9uD4T_story.htmlThe Washington Post weighed in. Great material!
Houston Catholic Worker
This ministry in Texas does not address Maryland legislation, of course. But they do provide extraordinarily rich and insightful material about undocumented immigrants in their newspaper archives.Opponents of the MD Dream Act
Help Save Maryland
Neil Parrott, Chairmanhttp://MDPetitions.com
Rally for America
This is Pat McDonough’s organizational face.http://www.rallyforamerica.net/