Thursday, July 19, 2012

Roots of Racism -- it's out!

The book is out!

The Roots of Racism and Abortion is on Kindle, available for purchase, downloadable in a few seconds.  It’s a re-published e-published book of mine, about eugenics, the master race ideology.  I agonized over it; I wanted to spend ten years improving it, but Betsy objected.  Anyway, as it is, the book explains eugenics, explains its parts, gives examples, points at solutions …

Oddly, when I finished it, I was painfully aware that the weakest chapter is the one on immigration.  I was tempted to delay awhile and write some more, since I am re-publishing it specifically because I am now involved in the Dream Act campaign, working to provide hospitality and welcome to immigrants in Maryland.  But I can’t write an improved chapter; if I start, I’ll write another book.  (Strike “if” – when!)

No one on earth will ever agree with everything in the book.  Not even me; I fussed and argued with the author every page.  It’s about sex and violence and religion and politics; there’s not much in there that isn’t controversial, except Hitler.  I promise it’s got info that will be new to you, ideas that will challenge you, stories that will move you.  If you’re okay with the word “paradigm,” that’s a relief, because what I really want to do, and expect to do, is cause a paradigm shift.

Why does it help to understand eugenics if you want to welcome immigrants?

Eugenics is about the drive to control the future of the human race by social control of fertility.  The idea is, the next generation should be a new and improved human race.  We can breed tomatoes, so let’s breed humans.  The key to a breeding program, generally, is simple (before tinkering with genes): “more from the fit, less from the unfit” – so said the eugenicists of the past century. 

Identifying the unfit – that’s the heart of an effective eugenics program!  You can do it one by one, but it’s much faster to go after broad social groups.  So eugenicists described in the 1980s how they would change family size all over Latin America using soap operas.  The first time I heard that plan, I was skeptical, but that was 30 years ago, and now the work is done.  Still, there are too many Latinos down there, they say.  Population control is taking hold, but the fight isn’t over.  And in the mean time, the drive to lower Latino population needs a backstop program.  Population control will not work well if population pressure is alleviated by migration.

What was that?  I didn't understand a word you said.

Okay, let me slow down a little.  Sometimes when you are arguing with someone about immigration, they fuss about Latinos coming here and getting on welfare.  So you work with that a bit, and talk about jobs programs.  But then the same person, without any shame, fusses about Latinos coming here and taking jobs away from “real” Americans (born here, I think that means). Okay, if you don’t want them to come and not-work, and you don’t want them to come and work, then the truth is, you don’t want them to come, period.  That was a lot of wasted time, but maybe we’re getting somewhere. So then we can talk about what’s wrong with them coming.  Does this fussy person want them to stay where they are – in the middle of a civil war (that we had a hand in), or in poverty (that we helped cause)? If you press on that, patiently, you deal with a lot of confusion, but more often than not it turns out that Mr. Holy Borders doesn’t want them here, but he doesn’t want them there, either.  He doesn’t want them to be.  He supports ZPG or NPG (zero population growth or negative population growth).  There's nothing personal about it, but he does think there are too many people getting born, and more specifically that there are too many people getting born in -- say -- El Salvador.   

Immigration is backup for depopulation.

Read the book.  Kindle, $3.  Tell a thousand friends to get it.  Tell a million enemies to get it.

(If you don’t do Kindle, let me know.)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I do not know enough about you and your work to endorse it. But assuming that your work is legit, what you do is to help workers get into the USA legally, with work or marriage visas. Would to God that worked for everyone! For those who can use your services, they can find you at
      Is that right?
